Little Tommy Newcomer
Timeless Isle
Pets Needed:
Slot 1. Pandaren Water Spirit : Water Jet, Whirlpool, Geyser
Slot 2. Chrominius : Bite, Howl, Surge of Power
Slot 3. Rocket Bot : Missile, Toxic Smoke, Sticky Bomb
Note: Any Rocket Bot is fine (Blue or normal), or you could even use the Rocket Chicken.
Lil’ Oondasta –
1. Geyser – Oondasta will Frill Blast, which will either kill the Spirit outright and force him to swap to your next pet, Chrominius, or just force swap him (either way he’s out of the battle and will die on Oondasta’s next attack anyway).
2. When Chrominius comes in, Howl – Oondasta will Spiritfire Beam.
3. Surge of Power – Oondasta will Crush. Chrominius usually dies here. Sometimes Oondasta misses, but Chrominius is recharging and unable to do anything anyway so will die on the next Crush.
4. When your Bot comes in, Toxic Smoke – Oondasta will Crush, but is then hit for massive damage from Geyser and Toxic Smoke and Geyser stuns him.
5. While he is stunned Missile. This should either finish him, or get him low enough for a Toxic Smoke tic to kill him, but if not another Missile certainly will 🙂

During the Darkmoon Faire, aspiring Battle Pet Trainers can do a daily fight against Master Trainer Jeremy Feasel for the chance of getting a Darkmoon Eye pet (amongst other things).
This guy claims he is the best, and he can be a challenge, especially his pet Fezwick, but with my strat he is actually a bit of a push-over 🙂
Pets Needed:
Slot 1. Infinite Whelpling : Tail Sweep, Healing Flame, Early Advantage
Slot 2. Any Shale Hatchling : Burn, Poison Spit, Stone Rush
Slot 3. Rocket Chicken : Missile, Toxic Smoke, Launch
Notes: Any Shale Hatchling is fine, but it’s Speed must be > 280 & any Mechanical with anti-Beast attacks is fine, but it is vital that its Speed is > 294
Judgement – Start with the Infinite Whelpling and spam Tail Sweep. It should only take 3 attacks to kill Judgement. Then when Honky Tonk swaps in throw down an Early Advantage and then swap to your Shale Hatchling.
Honky Tonk – Stone Rush, Burn, Burn. If at any time Shock and Awe stuns you, swap the Whelpling back in for a round and then back to the Hatchling.
Fezwick – Throw in a Poison Spit if you can then swap to your Mechanical. Toxic Smoke, and then spam Missile to victory.
Good luck getting the Eye!
Welcome to my Beasts of Fable dailies guide.
Once completed, the initial Beasts of Fable quest opens up the Beasts of Fable Dailies which can be picked up from your faction’s Battle Pet Trainer in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
They involve defeating the same Legendary Pets you defeated in the initial quest and are split into 3 quests, Beasts of Fable Book I, Beasts of Fable Book II & Beasts of Fable Book III.
The main benefit of completing these dailies is to get rewards like Pet Treats (which grant Pet leveling XP bonuses), Panda pets, and Battle Pet Upgrade Stones. Unfortunately there is no XP gained from these battles so there is no point in bringing a leveling pet. But by using the Pet Treats combined with my Leveling Guide you’ll have plenty of level 25 pets in no time so don’t worry about that.
Below you will find the strategies I use to battle these Legendary Pets and complete these dailies. It is unbelievable just how RNG some of these fights are. Strategies that worked perfectly one day will completely fail the next. So please keep that in mind when doing these battles.
Like all of my Battle Pets guides, you can swap out any of the pets for their alternatives if you need to.
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Welcome to my 3rd and final guide on how to beat the Celestial Tournament. Part 1 can be found here & part 2 here.
This fight includes Taran Zhu, Chen Stormstout & Wrathion.
Like in all my Battle Pet guides, feel free to swap out any of the pets for their equivalents, ie almost any Grub or Maggot for Mr Grubbs, almost any Strider for Eternal Strider, any Mechanical instead of Blue Clockwork Rocket, and any Undead pet with Curse of Doom for Unborn Valkyr. A full list of required Pets can be found at the end of the post.
Comments welcome! If you have used the guide successfully and want to share I’d love to hear about it! Or if you notice something isn’t working for you please let me know and I’ll look into it and correct it asap!
Click More for the guide 🙂
Welcome to part 2 of my Celestial Tournament guide. Part 1 can be found here.
This fight includes Wise Mari, Blingtron 4000 & Shademaster Kiryn.
Like in all my Battle Pet guides, feel free to swap out any of the pets for their equivalents, ie almost any Frog for Mac Frog, Crow for Gilnean Raven, any Mechanical instead of Blue Clockwork Rocket, and any Undead pet with Curse of Doom for Unborn Valkyr. A full list of required Pets can be found at the end of the post.
Comments welcome! If you have used the guide successfully and want to share I’d love to hear about it! Or if you notice something isn’t working please let me know and I’ll look into it and correct it asap!
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