Archive for the ‘News’ Category

QI Live

Posted by Crystal On October 30, 2011 2 COMMENTS

CRYSTAL: We got to Her Majesty’s theatre nice and early, grabbed our seats, sat and waited while the theatre filled up. Eventually it was show time, and I was more excited than I expected when Mr. Stephen Fry walked onto the stage. He seemed immediately comfortable with the audience.

DAVID: We did get there quite early and despite a ban on photography I managed to sneak a quick shot (my apologies Her Majestys).

Despite not being as big a fan of Mr Fry as Crystal, I am definitely what you would call a fan, and I was also quite excited to see him on stage. He is a natural performer and a lot of fun. The audience was also obviously excited. The roar of applause that greeted him was tremendous and you could feel the reverence in the air. If Mr Fry was to start his own religion he would have no trouble finding followers it seems.

CRYSTAL: He spoke for some time, which was unexpected. I thought we’d get into the show much sooner than we did.  I guess if we were ever to see Stephen do stand up, this is what it would be like. He talked about  his first time in Australia 30 years ago (“almost to the day”), when he toured with the Cambridge Footlights with fellow students Emma Thompson & Hugh Laurie. He showed a poster for that show ‘Botham, the Musical‘ And made a wry reference to the $5 ticket price. I’ve heard many grumbles about the ticket prices for QI live, which were quite expensive.  Alan Davies said on Twitter that ‘the promoters set the price, and there was nothing they could do about it.

DAVID: The ticket prices were outrageous but what can you do? We wanted to see Stephen and Alan and this was the only way to do it. Although I have to disagree with Mr Davies. I’m sure if both he and Stephen demanded the prices be reduced they would have done so.

CRYSTAL: Everything he said was fascinating (even though I already knew some of it from his autobiography ‘The Fry Chronicles‘)  I especially loved the Billy Connelly and John Cleese impressions. I really love when Stephen does Billy; he sounds just like him!

DAVID: He is an excellent mimic and the parrot joke was hilarious, but to be honest I would have preferred a bit more about him. If I wanted to hear Billy Connelly jokes I would go to a Billy Connelly show. I haven’t read Stephan’s autobiography so a few more humorous anecdotes from his own life would have been welcome.

CRYSTAL: He also explained how he got involved with QI; that the producer and creator, John Lloyd had taken him out to lunch and explained the idea. He couldn’t get his first choice as host, Michael Palin, and was wondering if Stephen would be interested. Stephen said he didn’t really want to be cast as the pompous school master, but consented to do it for the pilot. Fortunately (or unfortunately for him) he was so good, he was asked to stay.

DAVID:  We’ve seen the Making of QI special, so I was familiar with this story, but it was still cool to hear Stephen tell it.

CRYSTAL: He had not long finished lamenting that he didn’t want to be the pompous school master, when he slipped into that very role, correcting his first guest, Colin Lane, with the proper pronunciation of the word ‘formidable’.

DAVID: I’ve never been a fan of Mr Lane’s comedy so I wasn’t terribly excited when he was announced as the first guest. And my opinion didn’t change as he found success with his ‘walking off the stage’ bit and then continued to milk it through the show. It wasn’t funny the first time, and surprisingly it didn’t get any funnier the more times he did it.

CRYSTAL: The rest of the panel included Denise Scott, Andrew Denton and of course, Alan Davies. Stephen tried to trick us by saying Alan couldn’t be there, and it almost worked on me, but I kinda knew he was joking but also could feel crushing disappointment ready to wash over me if he wasn’t there. I really don’t think I would’ve enjoyed it nearly as much if Alan wasn’t there. Luckily though he was!

DAVID: I am not ashamed to say that I felt a weird heart skip when Stephen alluded to Alan not being there. They are a great double act and the show just wouldn’t be the same without him. Luckily Mr Fry is no more a good liar than myself and it was almost immediately evident that he was telling a fib, and Alan leapt on stage to thunderous applause. Obviously the audience also feels the same way about him.

As for the other Australian guests, Andrew Denton is without doubt one of the creative geniuses of our entertainment industry so I had no problem with his inclusion and I have always liked Denise Scott on Spicks and Specks so she was also welcomed, but as I mentioned above Colin Lane leaves me cold.

CRYSTAL: The Australian panellists were good, but I would’ve preferred to see some of the other regular panellists from the show.  My dream QI team is Alan, David Mitchell, Bill Bailey and a toss up between Sean Lock & Phil Jupitus…what’s yours?

DAVID: I’d go with Alan, David Mitchell, Rob Brydon, Sean Lock & Jimmy Carr, but all of them are awesome. I’ll never forget the cornflakes bit with Johhny Vegas!

CRYSTAL: QI is full of facts and there is always one that sticks with me after I watch an episode. QI Live was no different and the strange fact I came away with was ‘Kangaroos can’t fart’.

DAVID: Well that about sums it up J. Overall a fun night. I would have liked some more of the quiz show part, but considering how annoying I found Colin Lane I guess it was ok to end it where it did. And it is always a good night out and about with my lovely wife.

Did you see the show too? What did you think? Or are you also addicted to the TV show and have a dream team of your own? Drop us a comment, we’d love to hear from you!

Zombie Walk!

Posted by David On October 28, 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Anyone who knows me is aware of my fondness for all things Zombie (please don’t fuck up World War Z Mr Pitt!). So that’s why I’m happy to remind everyone that this Sunday is the Melbourne Zombie Walk!

Sunday, October 30 · 1:00pm – 4:30pm

Meeting at: Carlton Gardens
Meeting Time: From 1pm
Shuffle Time: 2pm

Either dress up or just show up, as long as you have fun!

Maybe I’ll see you there 🙂

Official Facebook page – Melbourne Zombie Shuffle 2011

Armageddon Expo 2011

Posted by David On October 27, 2011 ADD COMMENTS

As mentioned in our latest podcast (Episode #10 – out now!), I spent last Saturday at the Melbourne Armageddon Expo. Despite my annoyance at the terrible management of the interviews (pick up your game organisers!), I’ve decided to keep this post more positive and use it to showcase some of the awesome cosplay costumes I saw there. My favourites are the completely hand made White Spy (EDIT: it has been brought to my attention that the costume I assumed was the White Spy is in fact Excalibur from Soul Eater. My humble apologies all anime fans!), Dalek Girl and friggin’ awesome Starkiller in Sith Stalker armour. If you are the person in any of these pictures please let us know by leaving a comment, we would love to hear from you.

Graphic intensive so click More to see the pics 🙂


Our Nerdy Honeymoon

Posted by David On October 14, 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Being nerds we of course had to take advantage of the fact that we were in New Zealand and do some serious Lord of the Rings style sightseeing.


Our first stop was Hobbiton, the set of The Shire. A tour guide led our group of about 30 people around and offered some fun facts about its development. It was very cool.

The set was constructed in 1999 and used for filming in all 3 films, but when filming was done 2/3 of the set were demolished. Luckily someone was smart enough to realise the money making potential of keeping the site open for tours and the surviving pieces were left for the huge amount of LotR fans to visit. But not long before our visit the site was recreated with brand new pieces in preparation for filming on The Hobbit. Hobbiton was returned to its full glory and we were part of the lucky few who were able to see it before it was closed for filming. In fact, it was closed 3 days after we were there and they are filming there right now!. Because of this we were made to sign confidentiality forms stating that we couldn’t post any pictures on the net or even discuss some of what we saw. Silly, but that’s Hollywood for you. So, that means I wont be able to put any pics in this post and I’m limited in what I can say so I will write only this and move on – it looks awesome!

Learn more about the Hobbiton tour here –

Flat Earth Tours

Our next exposure to the behind the scenes magic of LotR was in Wellington. This personalized tour takes a small group of people in a very cool mini van (electronic doors!) around the LotR filming locations in the Wellington area. Luckily for us we were the only people booked for our tour that day and our guide Mike was a very knowledgeable (of course) and generally awesome guy (bonus!). Part of Mike’s awesomeness was the fact that he was also a nerd. While traveling to the various sites we discussed all kinds of nerd related topics (seriously, his nerd knowledge rivaled my own!) and of course I took the opportunity to plug the site/podcast. These two factors combined were even enough to offset the fact that it was raining for most of the tour. The only thing the rain really affected was the walk to Rivendal so it wasn’t so bad.

So, give a Flat Earth tour a thought if you’re in Wellington, you wont be sorry. It is a great tour. Learn more about Flat Earth Tours here –

Here are some of the sights from the tour:

Buckland Forest used in the “Get off the Road”/hiding from the Black Riders scene, falling down the edge after running through the corn field, and where they found the mushrooms






















Weta Studios








The awesome Weta Cave –


















the Anduin River where the Fellowship voyaged to Amon Hen















and the quarry used for the filming of Helms Deep in Rohan and Minas Tirith in Gondor







We’re back!

Posted by David On October 12, 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Hi All!

As you can probably guess from the latest posts (Episode #9 & DC’s new 52 Audio post) Crystal and I have returned from our honeymoon and are back in action on the site and podcast.

Thanks to Richo and Luke for their contributions during our absence, some great stuff there.

Thanks to everyone who left us congratulation messages 🙂

If I beg my lovely wife I might even be able to post some photos, so wish me luck.

And now, back to our regular scheduling!
