Archive for January, 2015

Podcast Episode#127

Posted by David On January 25, 2015 4 COMMENTS

Episode #127 – 2 episodes for the price of 1 (which is free)!

Part 1 features:

News: X-Files to return to TV / the end of the 616 Marvel Universe? / Adam Baldwin at Supanova Expo

Reviews: Time and Time Again / Star Trek/Planet of the Apes / Birdman

Contest of Champions 2.0: Street Fighter Division Round 1: X-23 vs Robin (Damien)

Azerothian Times: David’s getting a 10th Anniversary statue! / bored with WoW / Raiding woes / Blackrock Foundry Raid release schedule


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Part 2 features:

Interviews: Michael Pare & James ‘Angry Video Game Nerd’ Rolfe


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Contest of Champions Reborn!

Posted by David On January 21, 2015 2 COMMENTS

Hi All!

Last year we mentioned that we would be overhauling the way Contest of Champions works.

Crew Member Brian (WoW Yoda) is probably CoC’s biggest fan, and he has been asking (cough, hassling, cough) me to change CoC to a ladder system for some time now. And I thought now was a good time to start!

So welcome to Contest of Champions 2.0!

There are 2 Divisions – Street Fighters & Heavy Hitters. The Street Fighters are what Marvel Comics refers to as the ‘street level heroes’. People like Batman, Wolverine etc. Whereas the Heavy Hitters are the Superman level characters.

There will be 7 Rounds per Division, in an 8 Fighter Single Elimination format.

I have selected the combatants (some randomly, some specifically) and we will be pitting them against each other every second episode, starting with episode #127.

We will reveal the combatants at the end of each battle, and on our Facebook page –

And the best thing about Contest of Champions 2.0 is that we want you guys to be involved! When we post the combatants for that Round on our Facebook page, tell us who you think will win, and why, and we’ll mention that on the show, incorporating your idea into the battle! This is going to be epic!

Each battle will take place in the same arena, an 1800 x 1800 feet cube (about 4 city blocks of 450 feet by 450 feet), filled with typical city stuff (buildings, warehouses, shops, cars), covered by a forcefield reaching up 700 km. No civilians are present.

So let’s get started. Street Fighters DivisionRound #1X-23 versus Robin (Damien Wayne)

Who do YOU think will win?

Damien V X-23

The 87th Academy Awards Nominations

Posted by David On January 20, 2015 ADD COMMENTS

87th Academy AwardsThe nominations for the 87th Academy Awards are in and there are few surprises. Just about every nomination was predictable. I was disappointed to not see Ava DuVernay nominated for Best Director for Selma, but to be honest I’m not shocked. Racial diversity has been an issue with the Academy Awards for it’s entire history so why would it end now?

I haven’t included all of the Categories, like Writing etc. For a full list head to


Podcast Episode #126

Posted by David On January 18, 2015 ADD COMMENTS

Episode #126 features:

Dust Jacket: The Rediscovery of Man by Cordwainer Smith

Dust Jacket: One Shot by Lee Child

Top 5: Top 5 Adaptations that are better or equal to their source material


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That 70’s Show Review

Posted by Cameron On January 17, 2015 ADD COMMENTS

That-70-s-ShowThat 70’s Show and I have a bittersweet relationship. I love this show…but I hate the season when Randy comes in, and the seasons after that. I’ll get to why I do later in the review.

That 70’s Show is a nostalgic show, especially for those who grew up in the 70’s and it’s a show that almost everyone knows about, due to its accessibility and reputation.

When I had first heard about this show, I was a little suspicious. It really didn’t seem like my kind of humor. However, when I started watching the show, I found myself laughing at almost every joke! Kelso (Ashton Kutcher) is the idiot of the group. He provides a lot of comedy by doing stupid things, such as falling off of a water tower. Eric (Topher Grace) is the leader of the group, and he and Donna (Laura Prepon), his girlfriend, make some laughs by poking fun at the others. Fez (Wilmar Valderrama) is the literal foreigner of the group, and he is pretty creepy, which provides some humor. And finally, Jackie (Mila Kunis) is the preppy girl pf the gang, and personally I never liked her in the series. It has nothing to do with the actress; she just isn’t a likeable character. However, she was most likely supposed to be that way, so it won’t influence my rating.

As mentioned above, this show is great until the character Randy (Josh Meyers) comes in. I don’t like his character, because I feel like he just doesn’t fit in with the rest of the group like Eric did. He is meant as a replacement for Eric, (Editor’s Note: Grace was off filming Spider-man 3), however he isn’t right for the group. He seems like he should be more of a stand-alone character, kind of like Leo. The bad thing is, he gets the most screen time in the last season.

The rest of the show is so funny, and great for the most of its run. The actors and actresses do an amazing job, and a lot of the characters are hilarious both when they’re with the group, and when they’re out of the group. So I highly recommend you watch this series as soon as you can! I give That 70’s Show 4 Lukes.

