Podcast Episode #43

Posted by David On February 3, 2013 ADD COMMENTS

Episode #43 features:

Special Guest – Bo, from the ECN Podcast

Round Table:  Marvel Now! – every Marvel Now! title available, reviewed by the NCP Crew

Also featuring a special Competition! – Like, Retweet or Comment on the special Totally Irreverent post to win an awesome T-Shirt!


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*Please Note – due to having the Skype call going through my iPad there are some parts of the recording where you can hear some weird feedback. Be assured it isn’t your equipment and doesn’t affect the awesomeness of the episode 🙂

Oh, and as a special bonus, here’s a photo of me meeting Neil Gaiman 🙂


Podcast Episode #37

Posted by David On November 12, 2012 2 COMMENTS

Episode #37 features:

Dust Jacket Special: Short Stories

Channel Zero: The Twilight Zone


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Download link – Episode #37 MP3

Disney buys Lucasfilm

Posted by David On October 31, 2012 ADD COMMENTS

The Walt Disney Company has announced that it is purchasing Lucasfilm (including Industrial Light & Magic & Skywalker Sound) in a stock and cash deal for just over $4 billion. During what will no doubt now be thought of as a historic conference call, Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger and Star Wars creator and Lucasfilm CEO George Lucas announced that the deal came with  ‘an extensive and detailed treatment for the next three movies’ and that their ‘longterm plan is to release a new Star Wars feature film every two to three years’, meaning that Episodes VIIVIII & IX are on their way. In fact Episode VII  is aparantly in early development and scheduled for release in 2015. However, Fox and Paramount will retain the rights to the previous six Star Wars films and last four Indiana Jones films respectivly.

In a statement Lucas added, ‘For the past 35 years, one of my greatest pleasures has been to see Star Wars passed from one generation to the next. It is now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of filmmakers. I’ve always believed that Star Wars could live beyond me, and I thought it was important to set up the transition during my lifetime.’

Co-Chairman of Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy, will become the studio’s President, reporting to Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn. She will also be the Executive Producer on the new Star Wars films, with Lucas serving as a Creative Consultant.

Now I’m not usually the sort of person to have a strong reaction to these sort of announcements. With a few exceptions nerd rage is not my prefered form of expression (just don’t mention the Spider-Man storyline Sins of the Past or the film Prometheus to me and we’ll be ok), but I have to admit that upon hearing the news that the evil corporate behemoth that is Disney Studios had bought Lucasfilm, the home of two of my all time favourite film franchises, I did feel a disturbance in the Force.

Luckily I was at work when I heard, so my initial reaction was muted, and it gave me time to reflect. It also gave me time to read the additional information as it came to light. What I’ve come to realise is that I’m actually not that concerned with this announcement. Sure, I can’t stand the Disney Corporation and all that is stands for but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying (some) of their products and I can’t deny that (some) of their recent acquisition related output has ranged from quite good (The Muppets) to outstanding (The Avengers) so I can at least give them the benefit of the doubt.

And lets face it, the last 3 films under total Lucas’s control ranged from ‘crap’ to ‘average’ so a new fresh pair of eyes may be just what we need. I’ve always thought that Lucas was the creative genius behind Star Wars but that it took other people to help bring his vision to life and that is what we have now with his new role as Creative Consultant. And let’s not forget the most important aspect of this – EPISODE VII !!! (as long as it doesn’t turn out like this:

Some YouTube videos I like

Posted by David On July 11, 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Hi Guys

I’m not the biggest fan of YouTube. Not because of the concept, that’s great, but mainly because I don’t have a lot of time spare to browse the many great videos on there and it makes me sad.

But fan of the show, Colty, was nice enough to bring a certain video to my attention that had me laughing like a loon and I have to share it with you all. So thanks so much Colty and also curse you, because thanks to you I spent a large chunk of last Sunday browsing YouTube 🙂

First up is the vid Colty recommended to me – ‘The Star Wars That I Used To Know‘ – Gotye ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’ Parody by teddiefilms (check ’em out they’re very talented)

The next vid is one I stumbled across while browsing – the classic Weird Al Yankovic song – ‘The Saga Begins’

And finally the quite clever and sweet ‘Darth Vader in Love‘ from the Peter Serafinowicz Show



May the 4th be with you!

Posted by David On May 5, 2012 ADD COMMENTS

To celebrate Star Wars Day, I thought I would post some of my favourite Star Wars pics. Click More for the pics and enjoy!

