Episode #4: Continuing the Blade Runner theme…
Dust Jacket: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K Dick
From the Racks: The Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? comic adaptation & the prequel Dust to Dust from BOOM Studios
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Episode #3: The Blade Runner special!
Popcorn Junkie: Blade Runner
War Room: Is Deckard a Replicant?
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Episode #2 features:
Popcorn Junkie: X-Men: First Class
Dust Jacket: Rendezvous with Rama
From the Racks: Flashpoint #1
War Room: DC Universe reboot
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Episode #1 features:
Popcorn Junkie: Source Code
Dust Jacket: The Dispossessed
From the Racks: Action Comics #900
War Room: NCP’s Top 5 Villains
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