Podcast Episode #198

Posted by David On June 5, 2016 2 COMMENTS

Episode #198 features:

Dust Jacket: The End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov

Dust Jacket: Tales of the Black Widowers by Isaac Asimov

Special: Dust Jacket Retrospective

And a special announcement!


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2 Responses so far.

  1. Jason Teng says:

    Dudes! What a shock! It’s going to be strange not to hear you guys (and I’m NOT being sexist when I say GUYS) every Sun.

    Plus, you were the only Australian podcast I listened to.

    Once again, thank you so much for all your work. It was great to hear from fellow Geeky Melburnians.

    Also, a big thanks for the competitions of the past. I won the Samurai Pizza Cats and Transformers Box sets from Madman and the Much Ado About Nothing directed by Joss Whedon. Oh, and thanks for the NCP T-Shirt. It’ll be collector’s item now and I’m sure if I wear it to the next Comic-Con in Melbourne you’ll spot me.

    Until we meet again.


    • Avatar photo David says:

      Thanks so much Jason. People like you is why we did the show in the first place.

      The spirit of NCP will live on in Film Flams & Mana Mojo and I’d be honored if you stuck with us.

      Hopefully I’ll see you around the Cons!

      Take care mate


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