Comics Newbie – Lost Vegas

Posted by Ben On November 14, 2013 ADD COMMENTS

For my review this week I am looking at the Image four part series Lost Vegas.

As I have mentioned in a previous review, Image Comics is my favourite comic publisher. They consistently bring out new quality titles. If you are not reading Saga and East of West get on it!

Lost Vegas is a very interesting idea. It is like the film Ocean’s Eleven but in space. Lost Vegas for all intents and purposes is the city of Las Vegas set on a spaceship.

The story itself revolves around an unnamed slave who has 24 hours to pull off a heist and break out of Lost Vegas. The four issues also establish some very interesting side characters, with the most fascinating being a huge talking reindeer.

Lost Vegas is created by Jim McCann (writer) and Janet K Lee (artwork). For the most part the story and artwork is quite good. The biggest problem I have with Lost Vegas and this is not the fault of the creators is that I wanted more. The story felt very compressed in the four issues and it has left me wanting more. I love character back story and I just wished there was more back story for the characters. But like I said this is not the fault of the creators as they only had four issues to work with.

Janet Lee’s artwork in the first three issues is quite good. The different aliens look very cool and the main villain is drawn very well. You can tell he is a back stabbing jerk.

I am not sure what happened in the fourth issue though as the artwork looked a bit different.  I am not sure if a different artist drew the final issue.

Like I mentioned my biggest gripe is that I want more. Hopefully Image gives the go ahead and there will be more issues published (fingers crossed).

I give Lost Vegas 2.5 Lukes

I would love to hear your feedback.  Please comment below or you can contact me via Twitter @bennykane1983.  If you have suggestions on other titles that I should read would love to hear from you.

Quick Fire

X-Men Battle of the Atom was the last straw for my current X-Men reading. Uncanny X-Men and All New X-Men are now dropped from my pull list. It is a shame as I like the X-Men. Here is hoping Days of Future Past brings some new life into the franchise.

For my next review I will be looking at Letter 44 published by Oni Press. I have not read any titles by this publisher so I am looking forward to it.


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