Archive for September, 2012

Episode #32 features:
Popcorn Junkie: Total Recall
Dust Jacket: Anno Dracula by Kim Newman
Round Table: The Wold Newton Universe
Welcome to our new series, Behind the Counter. We here at Nerd Culture Podcast are unashamed comic fans (except Crystal, but hopefully she’ll come around!), and I thought it would be good to spotlight the many varied comic retailers available to us. Especially in Melbourne, where we really are spoiled for choice. These guys and girls work hard to help feed our hobbies and deserve some recognition and thanks.
So, to start us off I thought we’d start with fans of the show, All Star Comics Melbourne. Mitch and Troy have been hugely supportive of Nerd Culture Podcast and we cannot thank them enough.
For me, the great things about All Star are the warm welcome I receive from proprietors Mitch & Troy whenever I emerge from the cool little elevator, and their obvious passion for what they’re doing. I also really like the open layout of the store. There is plenty of room to browse and everything is in a logical and easy to find place. There are also great personal touches, like All Star themed fan art adorning the wall behind the counter. But that’s enough from me, without further ado, take it away Mitch:
There’s been quite a bit of hoopla over the kiss between DC’s icons, Superman and Wonder Woman in Justice League #12. In fact, it even made page 2 of my local newspaper. That’s right, 2 fictional characters getting it on trumped homicide, civil unrest and war.
What the f#@k?!
Needless to say I just don’t get it. Don’t get me wrong, I get just as excited as the next nerd when something exciting happens in any of my hobbies. But worldwide interest in something that happened in a comic? We’re not talking the Death of Superman here. And besides, it’s not even the first time they’ve kissed!
It happened twice in Superman’s Girl Friend, Lois Lane issues #93 (1969) & #136 (1974), again in DC Comics Presents #32 (1981), and Wonder Woman #300 (1983). In 1985, Alan Moore included a playful kiss between the two in Superman Annual #11 and 2 years later John Byrne added his take in Action Comics #600.
In Kingdom Come (1996) it even goes further than that. By the end of this story Superman & Wonder Woman are a couple and expecting a child (with Batman asked to be the godfather!).
As great as Kingdom Come is (I highly recommend checking it out if you haven’t already) my favourite Superman/Wonder Woman moment is actually from Action Comics #761 (1999). Like the kiss in Superman Annual #11, it is hardly more than a peck, but it is the culmination of a great storyline that involved the heroes being trapped for hundreds of years in an alternate universe battling crazy Norse gods. Nothing more happens, but it comes very close and is very emotional.
Nowhere near as good are Miller’s Dark Knight Strikes Again (2002) & All Star Batman and Robin (2005). Avoid both.
So as you can see, Justice League #12 is nothing special. It’s not even that poignant a moment. Perhaps the special excitement is due to the fact that this is in current continuity? Who knows.
Either way, there are far more exciting things happening in the world of comics. Mark Waid continues his amazing run on Daredevil, Sean Murphy’s Punk Rock Jesus is making huge waves & Rob Leifield continues to have brain meltdowns.
And these are a fraction of what’s going on out there.
So let’s put this apparently world shattering moment in its place. There is so much more interesting things to talk about.
Of course this is all just my opinion. I would love to know yours! So leave a comment!