Dust Jacket: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein
Dust Jacket: The Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien
Popcorn Junkie: Captain America: Civil War
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Dust Jacket: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein
Dust Jacket: The Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien
Popcorn Junkie: Captain America: Civil War
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Episode #188 features:
Group Review: Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice
Top 5: Our Top 5 Directors
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Episode #187 features:
Discussions: Spidey in Civil War trailer! / Ghostbusters 2nd thoughts / Daredevil Season 2 Episodes 1 & 2 / Premium VOD plan thoughts / George Lucas in Adelaide / Fan Films / Star Trek: Axanar
Review: Nina Forever
Review: 400 Days
Review: 10 Cloverfield Lane
Azerothian Times: Ironbound Wraithcharger & Infinite Timereaver mounts
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Episode #157 features:
Review: The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened?!
Review: D.E.B.S
Review: Scream the Series
Clash of Champions: Season 3 Round 8 – Sylar VS Dakan
Azerothian Times: Female avatars
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Listeners of our podcast will know that I attended Oz Comic-Con Melbourne a couple of Saturdays ago and to say that I had an awesome time is an understatement.
I simply cannot praise this year’s event enough. A beautiful venue in the Exhibition Building, well thought out layout, heaps to do and see, quality food, and an awesome selection of guests.
This is how a convention is meant to be done!
So thank you Hub Productions, for an awesome show. And thanks also to Blue Planet for organising interviews with some of the guests and generally being awesome!
One of the highlights of the show for me was not only getting to speak and interview some of my favourite comic people like Phil Jimenez, Nicola Scott, Freddie Williams II, & Paul Mason, but I also managing to score some breathtaking sketches/commissions from them!
(Click More for the pics!)
Episode #199 features: Discussions: RIP Muhammad Ali & Erik Bauersfeld / Star ...
Episode #197 features: Discussions: Captain America is not Gay / Captain America ...