Episode #165 features:
Review: The Car
Clash of Champions: Round 10: Legolas VS Snake Eyes
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And here is the download link for Clash of Champions – The Comic!
Episode #165 features:
Review: The Car
Clash of Champions: Round 10: Legolas VS Snake Eyes
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And here is the download link for Clash of Champions – The Comic!
Episode #163 features:
Special: Our special AMA episode!
Review: We Are Still Here
Review: Predestination
And a selection of questions from our listeners!
We had a great response and I am so thankful to everyone who took the time to throw us a question or suggestion. This episode is for YOU!
The intermission music is the track Bad Attraction from the album ‘I Don’t Know What I’m Doing‘ by Brad Sucks. Check out his awesome music and other projects at – www.bradsucks.net
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Episode #162 features:
Dust Jacket: Neuromancer by William Gibson
Dust Jacket: American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Top 5: Our Top 5 Fictional Weapons
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Episode #161 features:
Special: DragonCon
Review: Mr Robot
Clash of Champions: Round 9: Black Widow VS Captain America
Azerothian Times: Method split
Special: YOU create episode #163! Full details on our Facebook page!
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Episode #159 features:
RIP: Wes Craven & Dean Jones
Review: Destination Moon
Clash of Champions: Bonus Round: The Addams Family VS The Munsters
Azerothian Times: Patch 6.2.2 & DragonCon Legion panel announcements
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Episode #199 features: Discussions: RIP Muhammad Ali & Erik Bauersfeld / Star ...
Episode #197 features: Discussions: Captain America is not Gay / Captain America ...