Episode #86 features:
News: NCP-TV / Richard Donner wants a Goonies sequel / Magic the Gathering over Skype
Popcorn Junkies: The LEGO Movie
Popcorn Junkies: Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Contest of Champions: Baine Bloodhoof (WoW) VS Bane (DC Comics)
Azerothian Times: Hearthstone / WoW fatigue
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And checkout the awesome new podcast network – The UnderCast Network! Featuring ECN Radio, Nerd Culture Podcast, Film Flams, Talk tha Walk & Bingo Punch!

Episode #85 features:
Our Aussie Special!
Popcorn Junkies: Wake in Fright / Breaker Morant / The Sapphires /The Turning
Top 5: Our Top 5 Australian TV Shows
Giveaway: Thanks to the awesome people at Madman Entertainment we are giving away a DVD copy of The Turning. Details on the show!
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Shopping List
Wake in Fright blu-ray
Breaker Morant VOD
The Sapphires blu-ray
The Turning blu-ray

Episode #84 features:
With special guest, Matty from ECN Radio!
News: Windows Phone answer to Siri – Cortana / FOX allegedly thought about replacing Fantastic Four cast
Popcorn Junkies: I, Frankenstein
From the Racks: Punk Rock Jesus
Channel Zero: True Detective / House of Cards
Contest of Champions: The Predator VS The Road Runner
Azerothian Times: Warlords of Draenor pre-order launched / lvl 90 Boost available now / I got a Lil’ Tarecgosa! / Bo’s first Hunter / Hearthsteed mount
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Episode #82 features:
Special: Academy Awards 2014 – The Winners
Popcorn Junkies: Pontypool
From the Racks: Saltire
Contest of Champions: Warrior Skeletons from Jason and the Argonauts vs Zombies!
Azerothian Times: $60 for a lvl 90 / Raiding progression changes / Fun WoW stats
Interview: Andrew Finegan and his comedy show Songs from the End of the World
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Andrew’s show Songs from the End of the World is playing at the Butterfly Club Tuesday & Wednesday nights from March 25 to April 16 – check it out!