Welcome to our first film review – Sucker Punch!
Our review format will involve a round table style, in a similar vein to the podcast. For our first review we have myself and David R. I hope you like it!
David W – Sucker Punch is a 110 minute journey through the seemingly 14 year old mind of Zack Snyder, where everything he thinks is cool has been thrown into the mix, regardless of sense, and combined together to form a movie. As you can imagine, the action is fast and furious and full of over the top in your face moments. There is so much ‘awesome’ going on that it almost blinds you to the fact that there really isn’t much to it. This isn’t exactly a bad thing, as Mr Snyder and I appear to share very similar interests like giant sized cyborg Samurai with a Gatling guns, undead German soldiers, dragons and scantily dressed young ladies kicking arse, but I also like a compelling story and unfortunately Sucker Punch just cannot deliver. (more…)