Archive for November, 2014

Bullet Gal – The Collection

Posted by David On November 4, 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Bullet GalAre you looking for an awesome new comic to spend your hard earned cash on?

Do you like well told tales with a noirish, sci-fi blend and a heroine who kicks butt and is always ready with a quip?

Do you want me to stop asking annoying & obvious questions?

Then Bullet Gal: It’s Not You, It’s Me is the book for you and it’s on Kickstarter right now!

Under Belly is a new Canadian comic book & graphic novel publishing company, dedicated to bringing you the freshest and most innovative comics from around the world. And they have teamed up with Andrez Bergen and IF? Commix in Australia in order to bring you the complete collection of Andrez’s Bullet Gal, a loving homage to hardboiled noir & sci-fi.

Regular’s to our site/podcast will know that I am a fan of Andrez’s work. He has a writing style that speaks to me. But Bullet Gal takes it one step further with its brilliant art style.

Taking cues from people like Marcel Duchamp and William Burroughs with their cut-ups, ‘found’ art and collages, and the witty photo-montage work of Terry Gilliam, the imagery used on Bullet Gal is an exercise in digital manipulation and experimentation that still remembers the tale being told, and is an absolute joy. Amazing stuff.

Bullet Gal began as a limited-edition monthly comic in Australia in August 2014, and has received international critical acclaim. The series has been compared with Frank Miller’s Sin City and Ed Brubaker’s Velvet.

Andrez has already finished the series, a 12-issue arc set to conclude in June 2015 — but Under Belly has been able to get all those 12 issues (some of them as-yet-unpublished), and compile the lot together for an exclusive 280-page collection.

I urge you to consider backing this book. I know you won’t be disappointed.


Podcast – Episode #115

Posted by David On November 2, 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Episode #115 features:

News: Future Comic based films / Marvel’s future comic plansAnita Sarkeesian on the Colbert Report

Reviews: The Trip to Italy / Deliver Us From Evil / Hercules / Time Tunnel

Top 5: Our Top 5 Favourite Fictional Places


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