Beat Little Tommy Newcomer

Posted by David On February 10, 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Little Tommy Newcomer

Timeless Isle

Pets Needed:

Slot 1. Pandaren Water Spirit : Water Jet, Whirlpool, Geyser
Slot 2. Chrominius : Bite, Howl, Surge of Power
Slot 3. Rocket Bot : Missile, Toxic Smoke, Sticky Bomb

Note: Any Rocket Bot is fine (Blue or normal), or you could even use the Rocket Chicken.


Lil’ Oondasta

1. Geyser – Oondasta will Frill Blast, which will either kill the Spirit outright and force him to swap to your next pet, Chrominius, or just force swap him (either way he’s out of the battle and will die on Oondasta’s next attack anyway).
2. When Chrominius comes in, Howl – Oondasta will Spiritfire Beam.
3. Surge of Power – Oondasta will Crush. Chrominius usually dies here. Sometimes Oondasta misses, but Chrominius is recharging and unable to do anything anyway so will die on the next Crush.
4. When your Bot comes in, Toxic Smoke – Oondasta will Crush, but is then hit for massive damage from Geyser and Toxic Smoke and Geyser stuns him.
5. While he is stunned Missile. This should either finish him, or get him low enough for a Toxic Smoke tic to kill him, but if not another Missile certainly will 🙂

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