Welcome to part 2 of our coverage of the New 52 from DC Comics.
Our decision to post an unedited version of our New 52 review on the website proved quite popular, and since I again had to edit quite a bit of quality opinion from the NCP Crew in order to get our latest podcast episode #8 down to a reasonable length, we decided to do it again as another Audio Review. So if you would like to listen to our full conversation on the travesties that were Catwoman & Red Hood & the Outlaws (amongst other things) then here is where you can do it.
Due to the long length of the recording I have split it into 2 parts for your convenience.
After listening to the review, how about leaving a Comment or send send us an email at feedback@nerdculturepodcast.com? We would love to read your opinions.
Track 1 – Audio length: 76 mins
Track 2 – Audio Length: 87 mins