Episode #112 features:
News: Marvel & Kirby Estate settle out of court / Captain Citrus
Reviews: U2 – Songs of Innocence / The Punk Singer / Californication / Premium Rush / Z-Nation /Agents of SHIELD / Gotham
Contest of Champions: Rocky Balboa VS John Rambo
Azerothian Times: Lords of War part 5 / BlizzCon virtual tickets on sale
Editorial: Nerd Culture is NOT Rape Culture!
http://nerdculturepodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/Nerd%20Culture%20Podcast%20%23112.mp3 | Open Player in New Window
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Episode #110 features:
News: iPhone 6 released / Free U2 album controversy / Deadpool movie announced
Reviews: The Giver / Wilfred / Z-Nation / Californication
Contest of Champions: Batman vs Iron Man
Azerothian Times: Lords of War parts 3 & 4 released / Garrisons & Stables
And a Special Guest: Cameron!
http://nerdculturepodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/Nerd%20Culture%20Podcast%20%23110.mp3 | Open Player in New Window
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Episode #108 features:
Bo returns!
News: Leaked iCloud pics / Supergirl TV series in development / 42 Geek St debut on Channel 31
Reviews: Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For / Doctor Who Season 8 eps #1 & #2 / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Contest of Champions: The Kurgan vs Worf
Top 5: Our favourite Buddy Movies
Azerothian Times: Lords of War part 2 / BlizzCon 2014 virtual tickets on sale / Developer Q & A / Garrisons / Future Expansions
http://nerdculturepodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/Nerd%20Culture%20Podcast%20%23108.mp3 | Open Player in New Window
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Episode #106 features:
Our Bo M.I.A. episode (We missed you dude!)
News: Milo Manara Spider-Woman cover / Yale Stewart controversy / Alicia Marie & Adrianne Curry battle sexual harassment at SDCC
Reviews: The Moaning of Life / Multiversity #1
Contest of Champions: Aragorn vs Connor MacLeod (The Highlander)
Azerothian Times: Possible Robin ‘Robin the Entertainer’ Williams character models / David’s Xmogging tribulations continue
http://nerdculturepodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/Nerd%20Culture%20Podcast%20%23106.mp3 | Open Player in New Window
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Episode #105 – our Robin Williams Tribute Special
News: RIP Robin Williams / RIP Lauren Bacall / WoW: Warlords of Draenor release date revealed as November 13th / Robin Williams to be immortalized as an NPC in WoW
Reviews: Our favourite Robin Williams movies – Dead Poets Society / Aladdin / Good Will Hunting / Father of the Year
Top 5: Top 5 Films to teach Aliens about Earth
http://nerdculturepodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/Nerd%20Culture%20Podcast%20%23105.mp3 | Open Player in New Window
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