Episode #40 features:
The Crystal episode!
Crystal takes control of NCP as we cover Rainbow’s End by Vernor Vinge for Dust Jacket & reveals her surprise Clip Show of her favourite bits from the year!
Running Time: 50 mins
Episode #40 features:
The Crystal episode!
Crystal takes control of NCP as we cover Rainbow’s End by Vernor Vinge for Dust Jacket & reveals her surprise Clip Show of her favourite bits from the year!
Running Time: 50 mins
The official Man of Steel trailer is out and the interwebs are abuzz with what seems like equal part joy & outrage.
Despite my reservations towards Zack Snyder as director, I am growing more and more excited for this film as we get closer to its June 14 2013 release date, and this trailer is definitely helping fan the flames.
I’ve watched this quite a few times now and I have a few thoughts, the most important being that I now think I know what the storyline is.
This is only a guess so I’m not calling spoiler alert 🙂 but I think the basic plot is this:
Jonathan teaching Clark that the world will fear him, and the emotional damage caused when that actually happens after the rescue of the school bus, leads Clark to a life of solitude and loneliness. Until Zod arrives.
That’s right, I think Zod will arrive on Earth, along with a couple of Kryptonians (well at least Faora), and attempt to take control, much like the New Krypton/War of the Supermen storyline.
It is Zod who will finally reveal the truth to Clark about his true heritage and then use that to try and recruit him to his side. After being initially tempted, Clark will then become Superman in order to combat Zod and his evil plans, but because of Zod’s misdeeds the world will initially fear Clark and arrest him, only for him to either convince them of his goodness and release him, or call on him to help (like Hancock), or both.
In defeating Zod Clark will lose all connections to his birth planet, but will be happy that he defended his adopted one.
They’ll also have a scene with Clark inside the Fortress of Solitude with his eyes closed smiling, as he finally finds the place he can relax from all the sensory input.
There you have it. I may change it slightly as more tidbits are revealed, but I can’t wait to see how accurate, if at all, I was, and especially can’t wait to see this film.
Likes/Dislikes about the trailer:
Likes – Every action scene looked cool / Martha calming Clark down when his super hearing kicks in / Clark and Lois holding hands
Dislikes – The promo version of the S shield looks weird, a little over done (although the suit version looks fine / Cavill still doesn’t look convincing as Supes / and of course the ‘Maybe’ uttered by Jonathan
This simple piece of dialogue is what has caused the outrage I mentioned at the start of this post, and to be honest I really don’t see what all the fuss is about. There are 2 reasons why I’m not launching into a total Nerdrage over this scene.
1. The detractors are right, the Jonathan we all know and love would never say this. It just wouldn’t happen. But this isn’t the Jonathan we all know. This isn’t the comic or Donner version. It is a brand new take and to be honest, I think he’s a bit of a dick. And although part of me wants to scream at this portrayal, the other part is interested in seeing how this goes.
2. We don’t know what he says after this bit. It could be something like “Maybe. But that’s not who you are Clark and that’s why you’re going to become the great man I know you will.” Hopefully not something as clunky as that but you get my drift.
Anyway, that’s my opinion on the new Man of Steel trailer. I’m excited! What’s yours? Let me know with a comment!
Our Best of Bond Special!
We celebrate 50 years of the world’s greatest super spy by discussing the best & worse Theme Songs, Gadgets, Villains, Bonds & Films!
Given the recent ‘girls in cosplay’ controversy, I thought I’d put in my two cents worth about what it’s like to be a girl-geek or girl-nerd.
Firstly can we just drop the girl bit? I mean, that part’s kinda obvious. If you walked up to me in the street you wouldn’t have to double check that I was a girl (at least I hope not!).
Secondly, why do we feel the need to label ourselves geek or nerd? Because it’s cool now? I guess. People on the outskirts of ‘accepted’ social circles, especially at school, have always felt the longing or need to fit in. Some not as much as others I grant you, but I would have liked to fit in at school. Then again, looking back at it, I’m kinda glad I didn’t. Possibly not the best to be ‘one of us’ when the ‘us’ consisted of girls who felt the need to celebrate their stupidity as if it was the coolest thing in the world. At school, I was often called ‘Posh’, with a derogatory sort of tone, as if to say ‘not one of us cool kids’. Most of the time I found this quite amusing, considering my family had very little money and I was attending a state-run school in a low-income suburb. (Those who have heard me speak on the podcast, know I don’t sound posh). I did snap one day and said to all of them, ‘You only call me that because I’m smarter than the rest of you!’ Which shut them up for a bit, because they weren’t used to me talking back to them. I’m quite sure that some of them were at least as smart as me, they just didn’t apply themselves (you know you’re getting old when you start to uses phrases like that), and it would mark them as outcast if they showed any sign of being interested in learning.
I digress somewhat, so back to the topic at hand; The question was why do we feel the need to label ourselves? I don’t really remember being called ‘geek’ or ‘nerd’ at school. Perhaps ‘nerd’ a couple of times. They were more American terms, and if they were used here back in the 80’s it was in the same derogatory sense. Now, thanks to nerd-culture exploding onto the popular scene with TV shows like the Big Bang Theory and the Internet worming its way into everybody’s everyday lives, suddenly everyone is proud to be a nerd or a geek. And if you’re not one you’re happy to know one. Personally I don’t know anyone who is pretending to be a nerd or geek. Though I have seen murmurs on the interwebs about this occurring. The most notorious one recently is the hot girls/guys dressing up in sexy outfits to attend ‘our’ cons. ‘Our’ cons, people! The ‘cool’ people are invading our cons!!! Meh, I don’t really care to be honest with you. Aren’t these cons all about celebrating the things you enjoy most? If the thing you enjoy most is parading around in a sexy geek costume and being ogled, then why not? I would suggest you don’t do it at an event labelled ‘family friendly’ but otherwise, who am I to judge?
Click More for the rest of my post 🙂 (more…)
Episode #37 features:
Dust Jacket Special: Short Stories
Channel Zero: The Twilight Zone
Download link – Episode #37 MP3
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