Episode #188 features:
Group Review: Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice
Top 5: Our Top 5 Directors
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Episode #188 features:
Group Review: Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice
Top 5: Our Top 5 Directors
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Episode #187 features:
Discussions: Spidey in Civil War trailer! / Ghostbusters 2nd thoughts / Daredevil Season 2 Episodes 1 & 2 / Premium VOD plan thoughts / George Lucas in Adelaide / Fan Films / Star Trek: Axanar
Review: Nina Forever
Review: 400 Days
Review: 10 Cloverfield Lane
Azerothian Times: Ironbound Wraithcharger & Infinite Timereaver mounts
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Episode #163 features:
Special: Our special AMA episode!
Review: We Are Still Here
Review: Predestination
And a selection of questions from our listeners!
We had a great response and I am so thankful to everyone who took the time to throw us a question or suggestion. This episode is for YOU!
The intermission music is the track Bad Attraction from the album ‘I Don’t Know What I’m Doing‘ by Brad Sucks. Check out his awesome music and other projects at – www.bradsucks.net
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Episode #136 features:
Reviews: Thor: To Wake the Mangog / Seventh Son / Generation X pilot
Round Table: Comic Continuity – Is it important or a hindrance?
Top 5: Top 5 Crap Sequels to Decent Films
Plugs: Voting for Round 6: Teal’c vs The Bionic Woman now open! / Paul Bedford’s The List on Kickstarter
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Episode #135 features:
News: RIP Sir Terry Pratchet, Malcolm Fraser & Masa Vukotic / DC pulls the Joker themed Batgirl cover / new Wonder Woman costume / Chris Sims / Christopher Pyne is a Fixer / Star Wars : FIXED
Reviews: Top 5 / Powers / Sleepy Hollow / Bates Motel
Contest of Champions 2.0: Round 5: X-23 vs Deadpool
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Plug – Wyrmwood screenings across the country http://fan-force.com/screenings/
Episode #199 features: Discussions: RIP Muhammad Ali & Erik Bauersfeld / Star ...
Episode #197 features: Discussions: Captain America is not Gay / Captain America ...