Podcast – Episode #119

Posted by David On November 30, 2014 5 COMMENTS

Episode #119 – 2 episodes for the price of 1!

Part 1 features:

News: Star Wars Episode 7 teaser trailer / Jurassic World trailer / RIP Phillip Hughes

Reviews: Nightcrawler / The Babadook

Special: Is Indiana Jones even needed for the plot of Raiders of the Lost Ark to work?

Contest of Champions: He-Man VS Conan the Barbarian


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Part 2 features:

Azerothian Times: Warlords of Draenor


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Interview with a Turkey

Posted by Nikki On November 28, 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Thanksgiving TurkeyEvery year, Americans sit down on the last Thursday of November to stuff their faces full of food, gain about ten pounds, and watch a parade in New York City. Our President even pardons a turkey, yes a turkey. One of this years pardoned turkeys was able to conduct the interview just after the ceremony. It was by phone, as he was already on vacation in Hawaii by the time.

Me:  Thank you for answering the phone! I’ve got a few questions for you please.
Turkey:  Gobble, gobble!

Me:  Congratulations on being one of the the pardoned turkeys for 2014!
Turkey:  Thank you! It’s nice not to be on the center of the table with golden brown skin and sitting in boiling hot gravy.

Me:  Who started this whole “Thanksgiving” thing?
Turkey:  Some people on a ship hit a rock, got stranded, found a turkey, roasted it and called it “Thanksgiving.”
(For those not familiar with the ship hitting the rock story; the Pilgrims sailed over here, found a rock, named it Plymouth, and ate some turkey)

Me:  When I cook a turkey, I give the giblets to the dog. What are giblets?
Turkey: Giblets are a strange part of the turkey. I probably shouldn’t tell you where they come from, otherwise your dog wouldn’t be very happy.

Me:  Your feathers are so nice, could I make a pillow from them?
Turkey:  How about I make a pillow using your hair! If I was not a few thousand miles away, I would chase you around the room and pull out your hair for my new pillow!



Posted by David On November 28, 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Sailor MoonMadman Entertainment are thrilled to announce the acquisition of SAILOR MOON for distribution in Australia and New Zealand on DVD, Blu-ray and digital platforms!

Not only will the arrangement see the release of all 200 episodes of the original series, along with the three feature films and additional specials, but also the previously unavailable series SAILOR MOON S, SAILOR MOON SUPER S and SAILOR MOON SAILOR STARS.


Soul Eater Review

Posted by Cameron On November 26, 2014 ADD COMMENTS

souleaterSoul Eater is an anime about a school that teaches kids about responsibility, respect, honor, friendship. They also learn how to kill monsters using the corresponding Soul Wavelengths of their friends to turn into weapons of death to fight with. Simple right?

This anime is a lot of fun, but it also has a few serious moments as well. It captures what it feels like to have immense power, but not always know what you can do with it. It also shows the feeling of driving into madness with no brakes, except for help from the ones who love you.

The main characters are divided into three groups of pairs. The only exception to this is Death the Kid’s team, which has three people. Maka and Soul make up the first team, Black-Star and Tsubaki make up the second team, and Death the Kid and Liz and Patty Thompson make up the third. Maka and Soul’s story is mainly about them trying to collect 100 souls and a witch’s soul. Black-Star and Tsubaki’s story is about how Black-Star grows from someone obsessed with themselves, to someone who loves and cares for his friends. Death the Kid and Liz and Patty Thompson’s story is mostly filler for the rest of the story. However, even with their story, you can’t help but want to see more of their story. In fact I don’t think there was enough of their story.

The action scenes in this anime are amazing! It has a very dark, yet fast-paced feel to it. The Soul Resonance attacks left me in awe of the power of the wielders of the Death weapons.

A lot of the anime is filler episodes, where they have to go on missions to collect souls. But even though they are obviously filler episodes, you feel like it contributes to the actual storyline.

There is almost no romance in this series, which surprised me, as most anime or TV shows in general have some sort of romance. I could only find one scene in this entire series that is somewhat romantic. This shifts the focus onto the friendship between a Weapon Meister and a Weapon itself. Something like that doesn’t really happen, but when it does, it’s one of the most memorable relationships in a series I’ve seen, (much like with Morgan and Garcia from Criminal Minds). It makes you happy, even content with the relationship, and you stay interested in the relationship because you want to see if romance becomes involved with it.

I have only one problem with this anime. I won’t spoil anything for you, but the ending is rushed. It happens way too fast, and seems sloppy. This anime is really good, but the ending is just too bad for me to give it a high rating like I want to. So, I give Soul Eater 3/5 Lukes.

Podcast – Episode #118

Posted by David On November 23, 2014 ADD COMMENTS

Episode #118 features:

Dust Jacket: Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

Dust Jacket: Half Past Human by T. J. Bass

Top 5: Top 5 Favourite Films from our Childhood


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