Episode #54 features:
Popcorn Junkie: Man of Steel
Round Table: Superman
And an awesome Giveaway! You can win a Superman trade paperback pack containing both All Star Superman & Red Son. All you need to do to be in the draw to win is tell us your favourite Superman story so get your entries in now!
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Did any of you watch the featurettes released before the film to understand the film better? IT WAS NEVER TO BE REFLECTIVE OF ANY SUPERMAN FILM PREVIOUSLY MADE. My wife did NOT want to see the film on the trailers alone but when I showed her the featurettes, she couldn’t wait to see it and was enthralled when we finally saw it.
Simply put, the film was meant to depict what if Superman emerged in today’s world?
The depiction of Krypton was superb. Again, it was nothing like we’ve ever seen, as well as the history of the Kryptonian culture. How Superman’s suit is actually not unique, to the Kryptonian culture.
I agree, the flashback approach was probably used too much. But the end was perfect. To make a split second decision, given the fact that he told Kal-El was he he “Would never stop”, there was no other option.
Unfortunately, you guys seem to be so typical of other “commenters” who thinks it’s cool to hate.
Hi Jason!
Thankyou very much for commenting. It is a passionate response, which follows what I said in our review – this is a polarizing film and inspires emotions.
I admit I didn’t watch any of the featurettes, as I wanted to go into the film without any pre-conceived notions, and I think the trailers did an excellent job promoting the film (I even welled up at the ‘You are my son’ bit). And to be honest I feel that a film should be able to stand on it’s own, without needing featurettes to understand the film better. I believe that I did understand what they were trying to accomplish, and to some extent they succeeded, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t wish that they had perhaps gone about it a different way.
And I believe I expressed that in my review. For the most part I was quite enthusiastic, I totally agree with you that, despite a couple of minor niggles, the Krypton sequence was awesome and matched only by the fight in Smallville. It was the portrayal of Krypton I had always wanted to see and finally got.
And I don’t know if you missed it, but I did actually point out that this film was designed to depict Superman in today’s world. In fact it was part of the reason why Richo and I started to get a bit heated. I have absolutely nothing against that, actually it’s the opposite. I believe that this is the route that they needed to take in order to compete with the Marvel films and eventually get a JLA film out. And that’s a good thing.
I wouldn’t quite go so far as to say that his decision at the end was perfect, but you make a valid point, and I see where you’re coming from.
In fact the only thing I take issue with is your statement that “Unfortunately, you guys seem to be so typical of other ‘commenters’ who thinks it’s cool to hate.” I cannot disagree more. As I noted earlier, I was full of praise for the parts I liked and I explained why with the parts I didn’t. And I even gave it 3/5, which is definitely not a score I would give a film I hated. And I would like to think, (and a quick look back at my past review scores indicates), that I, and the rest of the Crew, are actually quite fair. Sure, Luke is the ‘Harshest Critic in the World’ and occasionally we can all be a little opinionated, but that’s our thing and it’s why we do the podcast – to give our opinions 🙂
So with that being said, thank you again for taking the time to post your comment and for voicing your opinion and I hope to read more of them soon!
Some feedback for Jason,
For someone accusing others of being negative or hating, you sure didn’t pull your punches on making derogartory comments on the reviewers. I personally don’t find the “commenters” from this site to be at all derogatory, providing a useful and honest insight to their opinions on a balanced platform.
Reflecto suggests looking into the mirror of one’s own soul before casting aspersions on others
Thanks for responding, everyone. It certainly seems I have triggered an impassionate response
I suppose I am different to many film goers. if a film looks interesting, I’ll try to find out all I can before I plonk down my hard earned, and spend time watching it. Eg, Pacific Rim, Nah, not another Monster Film (reminding me of her disappointment with Cloverfield). But as I’ve watched more trailers and featurettes, she thinks it’s going to be a fascinating take on two great genres. Let’s see if this pans out.
An example where this has backfired is Prometheus. Enough said there.
LOL totally with you there Jason, Prometheus was a major disappointment and the only film (so far) that I felt strongly enough to write articles about after reviewing it on the show.
I also agree on Pacific Rim. The more I see and read about it, the more I want to see it! Let us know what you and your wife thought of it when you do see it 🙂
Thanks again for commenting dude and take care 🙂